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01. Han 1.869 KB
02. Mablabthesis T,192 KB
03. SODICK EDM Ml(25Manua| 1,42U KB
04. Tech Note Multiphase Flow Models 18T KB
05. ABL alternative borehole liner 1,TU3 KB
06. casingtubing Bi'. linepipe 5,41T KB
07. 3d be tay rua26 1.155 KB
08. production packers 1,G21 KB
09. hungvotrung 243 KB
10. Ban ve khuyettat co khoan nhoi khi kiem tra bang sieu am 1.112 KB
11. 24 gio hoc flash 1.162 KB
12. formation fracturing 10.322 KB
13. -kythuat sua chua oto 20.852 KB
14. acidizing 10.569 KB
15. advance1 of ansys 1,689 KB
16. ADVANCE2 OF ANSYSsrasgroup 1,820 KB
17. ADVANCE 3 OF ANSYS 10.261 KB
18. anh xuong co khi 16,290 KB
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20. ansys 9.425 KB
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24. baitapthiet ke chieu sang 116 KB
25. bai viet co khi 16.368 KB
26. Bai19Tudonghoatrongchetaocokhi 3, 95 KB
27. baigiangtruyendong 5,847 KB

28. baitap Excel 1.716 KB
29. baitapnhietkythuat 1,364 KB
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31. bang tai 156 KB
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33. BAO CAO THUC TAP 163.545 KB
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38. biceps magazine4 540 KB
39. BKEPS magazine5 567 KB
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54. DocvavietthubangtiengAnh 2,405 KB
55. dong co dottrong 18,795 KB
56. Drilling Fluid Technology - Exxon Manual 7,261 KB
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71. Giao trinh Catia V5 N5 - Vtech - bai 3 Part Design 7,225 KB
72. Giao trinh Catia V5 N5 - Vtech - bai 5 Assemhly 2.485 KB
73. Giao trinh Catia V5 N5 - Vtech - bai 5 Drafting 2.990 KB
74. Giao trinh Catia V5 N5 - Vtech - bai T Mold 2.923 KB
75. Giao Trinh ChiTiet May 3.001 KB
76. Giao trinh hup ngu 246 KB
77. giao trinh L0 hui 4.042 KB
78. Giao trinh thuyluc va khi nen 7,824 KB
79. Giaotrinhnguyen|ymay 2,867 KB
80. giaotrinhvekythuat2085 13,704 KB
81. giaotrinh hangtracuuDTCS2 1.951 KB
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125. Nganhangcauh0iChitietmay150 265 KB
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164. Vat Lieu hoc 12,930 KB
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209. thiet ke nha may 89,675 KB


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210. Abdel-Aal, H. K. and Aggour, M.- Petroleum and Gas Field Processing.pdf
211. Abramowitt, M. and Stegun, I. A. - Handbook of Mathematical Fuctions.pdf
212. Ahmed, T.- Equation of State and PVTAnalysis.pdf
213. Ahmed, T.- Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior.pdf
214. Ahmed, T.- Reservoir Engineering Handbook2Ed.pdf
215. Ahmed, T.- Reservoir Engineering Handbook3Ed.pdf
216. Ahmed, T. and McKinney, P - Advanced Reservoir Engineering - 2004.pdf
217. Al-Kallifah Abdul- Determination of Permeability using Well Test Analysis.pdf
218. Alkhathaami - Porosity, Permeability SA Skin Factor.pdf
219. Alvarado, D.- Manual Analisis de Pruebas de Presion.pdf
220. Alvarado, D. A. and Banzér, C.- Recuperacion Térmica de Petroleo.pdf
221. Amoco - Directional Survey Handbook.pdf
222. Amoco - Drilling Fluids Manual.pdf
223. Amyx,J - Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (Physical Properties].pdf
224. Anderson, W'. G. - W'ettability Literature Survey.pdf
225. Annis, M. R. and Smith, M. V. - Drilling FluidsTechnology.pdf
226. Archer, J. S. and Wall, C. G. - Petroleum Engineering Principles and Practice.pdf
227. Arnold, K. and Stewart, M.- Surface Production Operations (Volumen 1, 2nd Ed].pdf
228. Arnold, K. and Stewart, M.- Surface Production Operations (Volumen 2, 2nd Ed].pdf
229. Artficial Lift Methods2a.pdf
230. Artficial Lift Methods2b.pdf
231. Artficial Lift Methods Vol.4.pdf
232. Artificial Lift Manual Part2a - Gas Lift Design Guide.pdf
233. Asimdv,_Isaac_-_Cdm0_Descubrimds_El_Petr6le0.pdf
234. Asquith, G.- Basic W'ell Ldg Analysis.pdf
235. Aziz Khaled - Reservdir Simulatidn.pdf
236. B - Advanced Wireline SAMW'D Prdcedure.PDF
237. B - Cdiled Tubing Handbook.pdf
238. B - Drilling Engineering Wdrkbook.pdf
239. B - Electric Submersible Pump.pdf
240. B - Fluidds Manual deIngenieria.pdf
241. B - Fluids Facts.pdf
242. B - Fdrmatidn Pressure Evaluati0n.pdf
243. B - Gedldgical Procedures.pdf
244. B - Oilfield Familiarizatidn.pdf
245. B - Petrdleum Gedldgvpdf
246. B - Surface Ldging Svstem.pdf
247. B - Technical Facts.pdf
248. B - Under Balance Drilling Manual.pdf
249. B - Well Site Gedldgvpdf
250. B P - Petrdphvsical Reservdir Evaluati0n.pdf
251. Badru, O. - Well Placement Optimizatidn Using the Quality Map Apprdach.pdf
252. Bardid Fluids Handbd0k.pdf
253. Basic Petrdleum Gedldgvpdf
254. Bassiduni, K.- Thedrv, Measurement and Interpretation dfWell Logs.pdf
255. Bastian, P.- Numerical computation of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media.pdf
256. Bateman, R. M. - Open Hole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation.pdf
257. Beggs - Gas Production Operations.pdf
258. Beggs - Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis.pdf
259. Bell, F - Engineering Geology, Second Edition (2008).pdf
260. Berg, R. R. - Reservoir Sandstones.pdf
261. BG Group - Casing Design Manual.pdf
262. BJ Services - Acidizing Concepts and Design.pdf
263. BJ Services - Fundamentals of Engineering Lab Practices.pdf
264. Blanlc, L. T., and Tarquin, A. J. - Ingenieria Economica (Manual de Soluciones].pdf
265. Blanlc, L. T., and Tarquin, A. J. - Ingenieria Economica.pdf
266. Bourdarot, G. - Well Testing Interpretation Methods.pdf
267. Bourdet, D. - Well Testing and Interpretation.pdf
268. Brennen, C. E. - Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow.pdf
269. Brill, J. P. and Mukherjee H.- Multiphase Flow in Wells.pdf
270. Briody, D. - The Halliburton Agenda.PDF
271. Brodkey, R. S. and Hershey, H. C. - Transport Phenomena - A Unified Approach.pdf
272. Brown, K. E. and Beggs, H. D. - TheTechnology ofArtificial Litt Methods.pdf
273. Burcilc, E. J. - Properties of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids.pdf
274. Banzer, C.- Correlaciones Numéricas PVT.pdf
275. Carcoana, A.- Applied Enhanced Oil Recovery .pdf
276. Carrillo, L.- Apuntes de Clases deIngenieria de Reservorios.pdf
277. Carrillo, L.- Reservorios Parte2.pdf
278. Carrillo, L.- Reservorios Parte2.pdf 2,132 KB
279. Carrion, M··1. G. - Ensayos de Pozos Gasiferos.pdf 395 KB
280. CEPET PDVSA - Analisisy Diagnostico de Pozos L.A.G.pdf 5,143 KB
281. Chacin, N.- l3ombeo de Cavidad Progresiva.pdf 5,281 KB
282. Chacin, N.- l3ombeo de Cavidad Progresiva (Operaciones, Diagnostico, Analisis de FallasyTrouble Shooting].pdf 5,502 KB
283. Chaudhri, A. U. - GasWell Testing Handbook.pdf 22,145 KB
284. Chaudhri, A. U. - Oil Well Testing Handbook.pdf 19,292 KB
285. Chilingar, G. V. et. al. - Strategiesfor Optimizing Petroleum Exploration.pdf 16,031 KB
286. Chilingar, G. V., Serebryakov, V. A., and Robertson, J. O. - Origin and Prediction ofAbnormal Formation Pressures.pdf 18,452 KB
287. Chilingari, G. V. - Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas.pdf 4,215 KB
288. Chilingarian, G. V., Donaldson, E. C. and Yen, T. F. - Subsidence DueTo Fluid Withdrawal.pdf 29,G39 KB
289. Chilingarian, G. V., M··1azzullo, S. J., and Rieke, H. H. ··- Carbonate Reservoir Characterization (A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, PartI].pdf 39,42U KB
290. Chilingarian, G. V., M··1azzullo, S. J., and Rieke, H. H. - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization (A Geologic-Engineering Analysis,Part]I].pdf 59,233 KB
291. CIED - Dano a La Formacion y Estimulacion de Pozos.pdf 52,240 KB
292. CIED PDVSA - Analisis de Pruebas de Presion.pdf 2,422 KB
293. CIED PDVSA - Analisisy Diagnostico de Pozos con Gas Litt.pdf 2,818 KB
294. CIED PDVSA - Caracterizacion Energética de losYacimientos.pdf 4,929 KB
295. CIED PDVSA - Diseno deInstalaciones de Levantamiento Artificial por l3ombeo M··1ecanico.pdf 2,858 KB
296. CIED PDVSA - Estimacion y Calculo de Reservas de Hidrocarburos.pdf 2,593 KB
297. CIED PDVSA- Fluidos de Per‘Foracion.pdf 2,938 KB
298. CIED PDVSA - Geologia de Produccion.pdf 9,938 KB
299. CIED PDVSA - Gerencia deYacimientos M··1aduros.pdf 12,431 KB
300. CIED PDVSA - Ingenieria de Yacimientos, Nivel I.pdf 5,234 KB
301. CIED PDVSA - Recobro Adicional de Petroleo bor M··1étodos Convencionales.¤df 10.233 KB
302. CIED PDVSA - Registros en l-loyo Desnudo y Entubado.pdf 16,554 KB
303. CIED PDVSA - Rehabilitacion de F'ozos.pdf 553 KB
304. CIED PDVSA - Simulacion de Yacimientos de Petroleos Negros.pdf 36,535 KB
305. Civan, F.- Reservoir Formation Damage - Funclamentals,Modeling,Assessment, and Mitigation (Gulf F'ublishing].pdf 30,210 KB
306. Coates, G. R., Xiao, L. and Prammer, M. G. - NMR Logging Principles and Applications.pdf 8,539 KB
307. Cotfeen, A. J. - Interpreting Seismic Data.pdf 135,403 KB

308. Coiled Tubing Surface Equipment.pdf 435 KB
309. Completion Technology for Unconsolidated Formations.pdf 5,707 KB
310. Computalog - Advanced Directional Drilling.pdf 26,634 KB
311. Computalog - Drilling Service Fundamentals.pdf 35,771 KB
312. ConceptsAnd Equipment Of Petroleum Operations.pdf 14,119 KB
313. Conybeare, C.E.l3. - Geomorphology of Oil and Gas Fields in Sandstone l3odies.pdf 11,317 KB
314. Cosentino, L - Integrated Reservoir Studies.pdf 54,158 KB
315. Coussy, O. - Poromechanics.pdf 4,387 KB
316. Cox, l3 - Understanding Engineering Mathematics - 2007.pdf 7,154 KB
317. Craft, l3_.C. and Hawkins_M - Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering.pdf 22,237 KB
318. Crouhy, M., Galai, D. and Mark R.- Risk Management.pdf 8,877 KB
319. CTES - Coiled Tubing Hydraulics Modeling.pdf 353 KB
320. CTES - Coiled Tubing Manual.pdf 25,157 KB
321. CTES - Multiphase Flow Models Ranges of Applicability.pdf 187 KB
322. Da Prat, G. - Well Test Analysisfor Fractured Reservoir Evaluation.pdf 9,994 KB
323. Dake, L. P. - Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering.pdf 7,423 KB
324. Dake, L. P. - The Practice of Reservoir Engineering.pdf 22,795 KB
325. Danesh, A.- PVT and Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids.pdf 15,39U KB
326. Darley, H.- Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids.pdf 37,7U7 KB
327. Darling, T.- Well Logging and Formation Evaluation (2005].pdf 1,857 KB
328. Das, D. l3. and Hassanizadeh, S. M. - Upscaling Multiphase Flow in Porous Media.pdf 11,321 KB
329. De la Cru; L.- Produccion de Petroleo.pdf 2,637 KB

330. Definicionesy Normas de Reservas de l-lidrocarburos en Venezuela (2005].pdf 842 Kb
331. Determination of Oil and Gas Reserves.pdf 15,383 KB
332. Dia;,V- Geoestadistica Aplicada.pdf 2,630 KB
333. Dikkers, A. J. - Geology in Petroleum Production.pdf 3,523 Kb


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334. Donaldson, E. C., Chilingarian, G. V. and Yen, T. F. - Enhanced Oil RecoveryI - Fundamentals_and_Analyses.pdf 45,155 KB
335. Donaldson, E. C., Chilingarian, G. V. and Yen, T. F. - Enhanced Oil Recovery]I - Processes and Operations.pdf 56,350 KB
336. Donaldson, E. C., Chilingarian, G. V., and Yen, T. F.- Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery.pdf 14,433 KB
337. Donnez, P.- Essentials of Reservoir Engineering.pdf 18,418 KB
338. Doveton, J. H. - Basics of Oil SA Gas Log Analysis.PDF 2,451 KB
339. Dresen, G., Stephansson, O. and Zang, A.- Rock Damage and Fluid Transport, PartI.pdf 5,259 KB
340. Drilling Engineering Laboratory Manual (King Fahd University].pdf 2,553 KB
341. Drilling Engineering.pdf 14,288 KB
342. Economides, M··1 and l3oney, C - Reservoir Stimulation.pdf 5,642 KB
343. Economides, M··1 and Nolte, K - Reservoir Stimulation.pdf 38,934 KB
344. Economides, M··1.- M··1odern Fracturing Enhancing Natural Gas Production.pdf 100,509 KB
345. Economides, M··1. J. - A Practical Companion to Reservoir Stimulation.pdf 3,255 KB
346. Enhanced Oil Recovery.pdf 10,711 KB
347. ENI - Casing Design M··1anual.PDF 1,190 KB
348. ENI - Completion Design M·1anual.pdf 3,910 KB
349. ENI - Completion Procedures M··1anual.pdf 1,552 KB
350. ENI - Directional Control SA Surveying Procedures.pdf 538 KB
351. ENI - Drilling Design M··1anual.pdf 2,120 KB
352. ENI - Drilling Fluids Operations M··1anual.pdf 712 KB

353. ENI - Drilling Procedures M··1anual.pdf 3,383 KB
354. ENI - Overpressure Evaluation M··1anual.pdf 3,975 KB
355. ENI - Well Control Policy M··1anual.pdf 479 KB
356. EPSWell Testing.pdf 3,152 KB
357. Ertekin T. Abou-Kassem J. H. and King G. R. - l3asic Applied Reservoir Simulation.pdf 51,452 KB
358. Escobar, F - Ingenieria deYacimientos.pdf 1,737 KB
359. Escobar, F.- Analisis M··1oderno de Presiones de Pozos.pdf 2,771 KB
360. Escobar, M··1.- Fundamentos de la Geoquimica del Petroleo.pdf 3G,485 KB
361. ESP - l3asic Design and Selection.pdf 313 KB
362. ESP Handl3ook.pdf 8,515 KB
363. ESP Oil Manual de l3CP.pdf 5,122 KB
364. ESP OILy M··1aggiolo, R.- Gas Litt l3asico.pdf 5,444 KB
365. Essenfeld , M··1.- Fundamentos deIngenieria deYacimientos.pdf 8,345 KB
366. Ewing, R.E. - The M··1athemathics of Reservoir Simulation.pdf 17,929 KB
367. Fagan, A.- An Introduction to the Petroleum Industry.pdf 2,501 KB
368. Fanchi, J. R. - EnergyTechnology and Directions ForThe Future.pdf 5,580 KB
369. Fanchi, J. R. - Integrated Flow M··1odeling.pdf 16,415 KB
370. Fanchi, J. R. - Principles ofApplied Reservoir Simulation (3rd. Edition].pdf 4,438 KB
371. Farouq Ali, S. M··1., Jones, J. A. and M··1eldau, R. F. - Practical Heavy Oil Recovery.pdf 20,150 KB
372. Fayers, F. J. - Enhanced Oil Recovery.pdf 28,255 KB
373. Fertl, W. H. - Abnormal Formation Pressures.pdf 5,224 KB
374. Finlc, J. K. - Oil Field Chemicals.pdf 23,343 KB
375. Firoozabadi, A.- Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs.pdf 8,352 KB

376. Follc, R.- Geology Petrology of Sedimentary Rock.pdf 5,830 KB
377. Formation Evaluation.pdf 11,898 KB
378. Freund, M. et. al. - Paraffin Products, Properties, Technologies, Applications.pdf 16,485 KB
379. Gallant, R. l3. and Railey, J. M. - Physical Properties Of Hydrocarbons.pdf 19,944 KB
380. Gary, J. H. and Handwerlc, G. E. - Petroleum Refining - Technology and Economics.pdf 19,681 KB
381. Gas Lift Design Guide.pdf 23,113 KB
382. Gatlin, C - Drilling Well Completion.pdf 33,694 KB
383. Gluyas, J. and Swarbriclc, R.- Petroleum Geoscience.pdf 26,769 KB
384. Golan, M. and W'hitson, C. H. - Well Performance (2nd_Ed].pdf 77,672 KB
385. Golf-Racht, T. D. van. - Fundamentals of Fractured Reservoir Engineering.pdf 9,785 KB
386. Gonzalez, C., Iturralde, J., and Picard, X. - Geologia de\•'enezuela y de sus Cuencas Petroliferas.pdf 87,120 KB
387. Goodman, R. E. - Introduction to Rock Mechanics, 2nd Edition.pdf 36,120 KB
388. GPSA - Engineering Data Book (12th Ed].pdf 69,140 KB
389. Grace, R. D. - Advanced Blowout and W'ell Control.pdf 15,716 KB
390. Groshong, R. H. - 3D Structural Geology.pdf 13,446 KB
391. Guo, l3., Lyons, W'. and Ghalambor, A.- Petroleum Production Engineering, A ComputerAssisted Aproach (2007].pdf 11,676 KB
392. Halevi, G.- Handbook of Production Management Methods.pdf 16,705 KB
393. Halliburton - Perforating Solutions.pdf 18,846 KB
394. Halliburton - Petroleum W'ell Construction.pdf 21,222 KB
395. Halliburton - SurfaceWell Testing.pdf 16,622 KB
396. Halliburton-Welex - Introduccion a losAnalisis de los Registros de Pozos.pdf 7,981 KB

397. Hsu, C. H. and Robinson, P. R. - Practical Advances in Petroleum Processing - \•'olume2.pdf 14,759 KB
398. Hudson, J. A. and Harrison, J. R. - Rock Mechanics (Par‘H.].pdf 11,915 KB
399. Hudson, J. A. and Harrison, J. R. - Rock Mechanics (Part2].pdf 14,443 KB
400. Hung, E.- Petrofisica para Geol. eIng. de Explotacion.pdf 15,330 KB
401. IFP - Basics of Reservoir Engineering.pdf 71,197 KB
402. Ikoku, C. U. - Natural Gas Production Engineering.pdf 22,438 KB
403. INTECSA - Curso deInstalaciones de Produccion de Crudo.pdf 5,655 KB
404. Introduccion ala Prospeccion Geofisica.pdf 814 KB
405. Introduction to Petroleum Refinery Operations.pdf 525 KB
406. Introduction to PlungerLift.pdf 238 KB
407. Iske, A. and Randen, T.- Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production.pdf 19,627 KB
408. Jahn, F. et. al. - Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production.pdf 17,752 KB
409. Jilani, S.- Experimental Study of Formation Damage in Horizontal W'ells.pdf 14,238 KB
410. Joshi, S. D. - Horizontal Well Tecnology.pdf 15,873 KB
411. Karassilc, I., et.al. - Pump Handbook.pdf 23,352 KB
412. Kaviany, M.- Principles of HeatTransfer in Porous Media.pdf 4,183 KB
413. Khan, M. J. and Islam, M. R. - The Petroleum Engineering Handbook - Sustainable Operations.pdf 16,214 KB
414. Khilyuk - Probability in Petroleum SA Environmental Engineering.pdf 11,717 KB
415. Kidnay, A. J. and Parrish, W'. R. - Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing.pdf 23,478 KB
416. Kraus, R. S. - Proceso de Refino del Petroleo.pdf 1,232 KB
417. Kreith, F.- Mechanical Engineering Handbook.pdf 33,485 KB
418. Kuchulc, F. J. - Well Testing and Interpretation for Horizontal W'ells.pdf 268 KB
419. Kutasov, I. M - Applied Geothermicsfor Petroleum Engineers.pdf 13,359 KB
420. Lapeyrouse, N. J. - Formulas and Calculationsfor Drilling, Production and W'orkover.pdf 15,405 KB
421. Latil, M. - Enhanced Oil Recovery.pdf 77,895 KB
422. Lazarde, H. - Interpretacion de Perfiles de Produccion.pdf 8,285 KB
423. Lea, J. F., et. al. - GasW'ell Deliquification, 2nd Ed.pdf 16,258 KB
424. Lewis, R. W'. and Schrefler, l3. A. - The Finite Element Method in the Static and Dynamic Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media, 2nd 25, 388 KB
425. Liu, H.- Pipeline Engineering.pdf 16,153 KB
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427. Lucia, F. J. - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization.pdf 13,358 KB

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429. Hudson, J. A. and Harrison, J. R. - Rock Mechanics (Par‘H.].pdf 11,915 KB
430. Hudson, J. A. and Harrison, J. R. - Rock Mechanics (Part2].pdf 14,443 KB
431. Hung, E.- Petrofisica para Geol. eIng. de Explotacion.pdf 15,330 KB
432. IFP - Basics of Reservoir Engineering.pdf 71,197 KB
433. Ikoku, C. U. - Natural Gas Production Engineering.pdf 22,438 KB
434. INTECSA - Curso deInstalaciones de Produccion de Crudo.pdf 5,655 KB
435. Introduccion ala Prospeccion Geofisica.pdf 814 KB
436. Introduction to Petroleum Refinery Operations.pdf 525 KB
437. Introduction to PlungerLift.pdf 238 KB
438. Iske, A. and Randen, T.- Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production.pdf 19,627 KB
439. Jahn, F. et. al. - Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production.pdf 17,752 KB
440. Jilani, S.- Experimental Study of Formation Damage in Horizontal W'ells.pdf 14,238 KB
441. Joshi, S. D. - Horizontal Well Tecnology.pdf 15,873 KB
442. Karassilc, I., et.al. - Pump Handbook.pdf 23,352 KB
443. Kaviany, M.- Principles of HeatTransfer in Porous Media.pdf 4,183 KB
444. Khan, M. J. and Islam, M. R. - The Petroleum Engineering Handbook - Sustainable Operations.pdf 16,214 KB
445. Khilyuk - Probability in Petroleum SA Environmental Engineering.pdf 11,717 KB
446. Kidnay, A. J. and Parrish, W'. R. - Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing.pdf 23,478 KB
447. Kraus, R. S. - Proceso de Refino del Petroleo.pdf 1,232 KB
448. Kreith, F.- Mechanical Engineering Handbook.pdf 33,485 KB
449. Kuchulc, F. J. - Well Testing and Interpretation for Horizontal W'ells.pdf 208 KB
450. Kutasov, I. M - Applied Geothermicsfor Petroleum Engineers.pdf 13,359 KB
451. Lapeyrouse, N. J. - Formulas and Calculationsfor Drilling, Production and W'orkover.pdf 15,4U5 KB
452. Latil, M. - Enhanced Oil Recovery.pdf 77,895 KB
453. Lazarde, H. - Interpretacion de Perfiles de Produccion.pdf 8,285 KB
454. Lea, J. F., et. al. - GasW'ell Deliquification, 2nd Ed.pdf 16,258 KB
455. Lewis, R. W'. and Schrefler, l3. A. - The Finite Element Method in the Static and Dynamic Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media, 2nd 25 ,388 KB
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459. Lucia, F. J. - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization.pdf 13,358 KB

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461. Maggiolo, R.- Optimizacion de la Produccion MedianteAnalisis Nodal.pdf 3,707 KB
462. Magoon, J. B. and Dow, W. G. - The Petroleum System - From Sourceto Trap.pdf 53,498 KB
463. Major, T.- Genesis and the Origin of Coal and Oil.pdf 397 KB
464. Mannucci, J. E. - Caracterizacion Fisica deYacimientos.pdf 13,235 KB
465. Manual LAG PD\•'SA.pdf 1,852 KB
466. Martinez, M.J. - Caracteristicasy Comportamiento de los Hidrocarburos.pdf 15,371 KB
467. Matthews, C. S. and Russel, D. G. - Pressure Buildup and FlowTests in Wells.pdf 25,377 KB
468. McCray, A. W. - Petroleum Evaluation and Economic Decision.pdf 53,571 KB
469. McNair, H. M. and Miller, J. M. - Basic Gas Chromatography.pdf 8,527 KB
470. Mecanica deYacimientos.pdf 4,557 KB
471. Meunier, A. - Clays.pdf 8,514 KB
472. Meyers, R. A. - Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes.pdf 16,519 KB
473. Mokhatab, S., Poe, W. A. and Speight, J. G.- Handbook of Natural GasTransmission SA Processing.pdf 13,942 KB
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475. Moore, P. L. - Drilling Practices Manual.pdf 25,553 KB
476. Moss, D.- Pressure\•'essel Design Manual 3Ed.pdf 14,624 KB
477. Mukherjee, H. - Well Performance Manual.pdf 5,980 KB
478. Mun, J. - Modeling Risk - Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real OptionsAnalysis, Forecasting, and Optimization Techniques.PDF 35,117 KB
479. Muskat, M.- The Flow of Homogenous Fluids through Porous Media.pdf 43,152 KB
480. Navarrete, E.- Apuntes de Geologia General.pdf 2,682 KB
481. Nelik, L and Brennan, J. - Progressing Cavity Pumps, Downhole Pumps, Mudmotors - (2005].pdf 7,718 KB
482. Nind, T.E.W. - Fundamentos de Produccion y Mantenimiento de Pozos Petroleros.pdf 21,755 KB
483. Nolan, D. P. - Handbook of Fire and Explosion Protection - Engineering Principlesfor Oil, Gas, Chemical and Related Facilities.pdf 18,147 KB
484. Nontechnical Guideto Petroleum Geology.pdf 1,977 KB
485. NPF - Quantification and Prediction of Hydrocarbon Resources.pdf 41,485 KB
486. Oilfield English-Spanish Dictionary.pdf 2,142 KB
487. Paniukov, P.- Geologia Aplicada a la Ingenieria.pdf 54,G59 KB
488. Paris de Ferrer, M.- Fundamentos deIngenieria deYacimientos.pdf 46,G38 KB
489. Paris, M. - Inyeccion de Agua y Gas en Yacimientos Petroliferos.pdf 27,182 KB
490. Parisher, R. A. and Rhea, R. A. - Pipe Drafting and Design.pdf 27,958 KB
491. Parker, M. E., and Peattie, E. G.- Pipeline Corrosion and Cathodic Protection 3E.pdf 7,281 KB

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495. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Compresores].pdf 2,343 KB
496. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos(DiseF1o de Plantas].pdf 1,905 KB
497. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Eyectores].pdf 490 KB
498. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Flujo de Fluidos].pdf 4,228 KB
499. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Hornos].pdf 5,451 KB
500. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (`Intercambiadores de Calor].pdf 5,649 KB


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501. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Manejo de Materiales Solidos].pdf 8,176 KB
502. PDVSA - Manual de Procesos (Tambores Separadores].pdf 1,332 KB
503. Peaceman, D. W. - Fundamentals of Numerical Reservoir Simulation.pdf 6,934 KB
504. Peters, E. J. - Petrophysics.pdf 34,185 KB
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507. Petroleum Geoscience.pdf 25,352 KB
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513. Porges, F.- HVAC Engineer's Handbook.pdf 1,928 KB
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528. Reis,]. C. - Envirdnmental Cdntrdl in Petrdleum Engineering.pdf 12,918 KB
529. Reiss, L. H. - The Reservdir Engineering Aspects df Fractured Fdrmatidns.pdf 5,454 KB
530. Reserve Estimatidn M··1ethdds.pdf 565 KB
531. Reservdir Engineering.pdf 25,673 KB
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533. Risnes, R.- Petrdleum Related Rdck M··1echanics.pdf 13,357 KB
534. Rdbinsdn, L. - ShaIe_Shaker_and_Drilling_Fluid_Svstems.pdf 13,251 KB
535. Rddriguez, L. Cdmpletacidn v Reacdndicidnamientd de Pdzds.pdf 41,195 KB
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537. Rdman, S. - Writing Excel Macrdswith VBA, 2Ed.pdf 5,852 KB
538. S - Cased Hdle Ldg Interpretatidn, Principle &Applicatidn.pdf 33,871 KB
539. S- Cdmpletidns Hydraulics Handbd0k.pdf 8,922 KB
540. S- Cdmpletidns Primer.pdf 2,577 KB
541. S - Directidnal Driller.pdf 2,832 KB
542. S - Ddwnhdle Testing Services.pdf 3,980KB
543. S- Driller Stuck Pipe Handbd0k.pdf 1,488 KB
544. S- Gas Litt Design and Techndl0gv.pdf 2,738 KB
545. S - Inductidn Ldgging M··1anual.pdf 1,393 KB
546. S - Intrdductidn td Well Testing .pdf 4,132 KB
547. S - Ldg Interpretatidn Principles &Applicatidns.pdf 15,457 KB
548. S- QHSE M··1anual.pdf 2,922 KB
549. S - W'ell Cdntrdl M··1anual.pdf 2,525 KB
550. S - W'ell Per‘FdrmanceAnalvsis.pdf 55 KB
551. S- Intrdductidn T0 Directidnal Drilling.pdf 1,293 KB
552. Sanks, R. L. - Pumping Statidn Design 2nd Ed.pdf 29,447 KB
553. Sar‘Fra;, M··1. - Interactive Curve M··1ddeling.pdf 11,501 KB
554. Saudi Aramcd - Operatidnal Gedldgv M··1anual.pdf 25,692 KB

555. Saudi Aramco - Petroleum Geology and Reservoirs.pdf 1,524 KB
556. Saudi Aramco - W'orkover M··1anual.pdf 11,559 KB
557. Sl3S - Oil Production With SSRP.pdf 3,232 KB
558. Schechter, R. S. - Oil Well Stimulation.pdf 32,305 KB
559. Schlumberger - MDT Modular Formation Dynamics Tester.pdf 8,125 KB
560. Schlumberger - RFI' Essentials of Pressure Test Interpretation.pdf 5,551 KB
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562. Shanmugam, G.- Deepwater Processes and Facies M··1odels.pdf 13,827 KB
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566. Slatt, R. M··1. - Stratigraphic Reservoir Charachterization.pdf 19,743 KB
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568. Smith, R. V. - Practical Natural Gas Engineering, 2ndE.pdf 16,695 KB
569. Somerton, W'. H. - Thermal Properties and Temperature-Related Behavior of Rock-Fluid Systems.pdf 8,703 KB
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572. Sonatrach's_Drilling Equipments.pdf 5,718 KB
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575. Sonatrach's_Stimulation.pdf 4,437 KB
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578. Sonatrach's_W'ell Intervention and Workovers.pdf 1,149 KB
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583. Sonatrach_Casing Design.pdf 1,378 KB
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588. Speight, J. G. - The Chemistry and Technology of Petroleum.pdf 16,519 KB
589. Speight, J. G. - The Desulfurization of Heavy Oils and Residua.pdf 5,614 KB
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609. Wauquier, J. P. - El Refino del Petroleo.pdf 37,549 KB
610. Wauquier, J. P. - Petroleum Refining I Crude Oil - Petroleum Products - Process Flowsheets.pdf 14,650 KB
611. Wauquier, J. P. - Petroleum Refining II Separation Processes.pdf 24,285 KB
612. Well Control ForThe Drilling Team.pdf 18,214 KB
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614. W'ell Production Practical Handbook.pdf 23,433 KB
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618. Yang, W'. Y. et.al - Applied Numerical Methods Using Matlab.pdf 3,303 KB
619. Yen, T. F. and Chilingarian, G. V. - Asphaltenes and Asphalts, Vol_2.pdf 29,589 KB
620. Yen, T. F. and Chilingarian, G. V. - Oil Shale.pdf 5,215 KB

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622. Zimmerman, R.W. - Cumpressiblity uf Sandst0nes.pdf 6,255 KB


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650. Electrical_Power_Svstems.pdf 4,546 KB
651. Engineer's Desk Reference.pdf 26,706 KB
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653. Engineering Handbook - Industrial Plants - Bible.pdf 22,445 KB
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655. Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel Components.pdf 24,913 KB
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657. Fluidized Bed Combustion.pdf 2,152 KB
658. Forsthotfer's Rotating Equipment HandbookVol 3 Compressors.pdf 28,825 KB
659. Forsthotfer's Rotating Equipment Handbooks Vol 4 - Auxiliary Systems (2005).pdf 3G,949 KB
660. Fundamentals ofAir Pollution, Fourth Edition.pdf 9,183 KB
661. Fundamentals of HVAC Control Systems.pdf 9,238 KB
662. Gas Turbines.pdf 22,553 KB
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673. LUBRICATIOl\l by A.E. Norton.pdf 25,522 KB
674. Materialsfor Engineers and Technicians.pdf 25,223 KB
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677. Modern Power Station Practice Volume3 - Turbines and Auxiliaries.pdf 26,121 KB
678. Modern Power Station PracticeVolume5 - Chemistry and Metallurgy.rar 24,894 KB
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698. Refractories Handbook.pdf 8,906 KB
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